Player Leveling

Player Leveling Overview

At Stampede Athletics we believe that pickup games where all players are appropriately leveled are just more fun for everyone.

Players start by only booking games that they believe they qualify for, using our guidelines below. However, we also have referees at games to ensure that leveling guidelines are enforced. If a player does end up at a game that is either too slow or too fast for their skill level, the referee will address with the player. Repeat offenders of skill level guidelines will be removed from the league. Levels are based purely upon skill level, and not age, gender, or other attribute.

We do all of this to ensure that Stampede Athletics games remain fun, safe, and a great experience.

We’ve created a helpful leveling guide noted below. If you ever have questions about where you might best fit in our leveling structure, please do not hesitate contacting us here (we’re always here to help).

Player Skill Leveling

Below are the different Stampede Athletics leveling guides. Leveling is strictly enforced at all games to ensure that play remains competitive, fun, and safe for all. Players should all review these skill levels, and self-assess what level feels appropriate to them. If players mis-level themselves, that’s ok – referees at games will address leveling concerns with players directly.

Rookie: Levels 1-3

Players at the rookie level of any support are usually within their first five years of playing the specific sport. They likely have never played the sport, or played it recreationally, or at a very young age. Players in this age bracket did not play the sport on a high school, college, semi-professional nor professional levels.

Rookie games are a great place to begin playing a sport as an adult, where all are working on improving some core fundamental of the sport. Totally fine if you don’t even know how to play the sport – learning and improving is what this level is all about.

Intermediate: Levels 3-6

Players are the intermediate level likely have some (or a combination of) high school play or extended Rookie-level play. So, if you’ve played the sport in high school (varsity, non varsity), or if you’ve been playing the sport recreationally for around five years, you’re likely ready for the intermediate leveling. Players at this level understand the game, positions, and common strategies.

No players with experience beyond high school play are encouraged at intermediate level games (ex., no ex-colligate players, etc).

Advanced: Levels 6-9

In general, this is the most competitive play level at Stampede Athletics. Players at this level have likely played the sport in college (or decades of pickup, league, and other recreational play). Players are highly competitive and experts at the related sport.

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Player Leveling Report / Misconduct

In general, you shouldn’t have this issue at Stampede Athletics games. However, if you are ever at game and witness player leveling issues, or general player misconduct, firstly, know that the referee should take care of it. If for some reason the referee does not, or if you had a particularly bad experience that you would like to report, please do so using our player leveling report form here.

We hope that this is something you never have to do (because we want you to just have a fun time playing sports), but we also want you to know that we have a process in place to deal with these kinds of things!

Stampede Athletics player skill leveling is a huge part of what makes pickup sports fun for all. No matter what your skill level, we can’t wait to have you at the next game!

Questions on leveling?

If you’re unsure what player skill level is right for you, please don’t hesitate reaching out to us. We’re always here to help!